How To Decorate Your Living Room Walls

Your living room walls are the perfect spot to add some flair to your home. They’re not only a great place to hang your favorite art and photos, but also a way to bring some style into a space that can be boring and bland. The trick is finding the right combination of style and function for your needs—after all, you don’t want your walls to look like they belong in an art museum (although that might work for someone else). So what’s the best way to decorate my living room walls? Keep reading!

Frame your favorite things.

Framing your favorite things is a great way to personalize and accentuate a room. However, it can get expensive if you’re not careful. Fortunately, there are many ways around this! If you have a large piece of art that’s just begging for some framing and display space, consider using a shadow box … Read the rest >>>>