The Difference Between Turf and Lawn Sowing

Many people would like to have a beautiful lawn in their garden. You can achieve this in two different ways. First, you can sow grass with grass seed yourself, or you can choose to lay turf. If you know little about this, this choice is difficult to make. Below you can read about the advantages and disadvantages of both sodding and self-sowing. This will help you make the perfect choice for your lawn.

Sowing grass

The first option is to sow the grass. Of course, this has several advantages and disadvantages compared to sodding. The first major advantage of sowing the grass is that it is at least 10 times cheaper than turf. From a cost point of view it is therefore the most effective method. In addition, seeding grass is better suited for small areas, because you do not have to cut half a lawn to size. There are … Read the rest >>>>

Eco Friendly Insulation Materials

Insulating your home is becoming an essential process with the rising cost of energy. When you are a paying so much to heat your home it is daft to allow this heat to escape. If you take just loft insulation then the potential annual savings from installing the current recommended insulation is around GBP 145 per year. It wont take long to recover the cost of the installation with these kinds of annual savings.

There are number different insulation materials available it can be confusing. What are the best types to go for, and do some the eco insulation material perform as well?

Environmentally friendly materials


This is formed from sheep’s wool. Over the past few years it has become more popular. This has fuelled by the green / organic movement of the late 2000’s. Programmes like Grand Designs have helped to show how this type of product can … Read the rest >>>>

DIY – How to Trim Tree Branches Yourself

Most homeowners are confident they are giving their trees the best care to thrive and stay healthy. Water, fertilizer, and mulch right on schedule.

However, tree branch trimming can be very intimidating to the average person. While big pruning tasks should be left to the professionals, pruning small trees and branches is perfectly safe and manageable for the average person.

First, know when DIY tree trimming is appropriate, and when it’s not. If you want to prune a small tree that has lightweight branches, go for it. However, think twice about pruning a tree that’s near a power line, large branches overhanging your roof, or if the branches are too heavy for you to easily handle.

If you’ve decided to go ahead, just start with a little DIY tree branch trimming. First, you’ll need to understand the parts of the tree and branch. The branch collar is the enlarged area … Read the rest >>>>

If you are thinking of joining the advocacy of going green, what better way to do it than to start building a green home. You will need to follow certain environmental practices in building a green home – such as those that help lessen (negative) effects on the environment.

First thing you need to consider is building materials. Building a environment friendly home would require materials that are eco-friendly and compliant with the current standards in constructing green homes. You may browse the internet for details regarding the compliances and product info to help you where to get and how to use them. If you have a contractor in mind, make sure that the company offers services specifically for building a green home.

It is imperative to prioritize sustainable materials such as those that can be recycled or natural materials that can be replenished due to their growth … Read the rest >>>>

Garden Design IdeasWhen people today pick out the design of their garden, they often let worries about upkeep and the weather limit their ambition. Taken care of non-slip decking is a excellent addition to your personal garden or home design and style which will not likely negatively have an effect on the atmosphere. The very final issue you want can be your timber patio decking turning into decaying, slippery or even decayed timber which makes a great eyesore of your respective garden.

Nearby boulders and gems are in all probability specifically what you require use in your present design and style. Sophisticated brick or possibly stone pavers certainly are a more high-class alternative, financing an element of elegance and sophistication to your outside design.

In numerous cases it is pretty hard to design and style your backyard simply because it is challenging to get very good ideas. It is crucial to make … Read the rest >>>>