Is your Water Environmentally Friendly?

You’re ticking all the boxes: you recycle, you have a dozen bags for life, you’ve got all sorts of insulation, you switch off your power at the wall and you do everything you can to conserve energy and reduce your carbon footprint, right? Well, what about water? And we’re not talking single-use plastic bottled water, or glass water filters here. We’re talking about the very veins that run around your home.

Water Consumption & Saving

There’s the debate about whether or not you could save money and be more water-conscious on a water meter rather than your run-of-the-mill direct debit solution. The arguments are pretty clear: For a larger household with 3-4 (plus) residents with a higher rate of water consumption, a direct debit payment system is usually suitable. But for a single home-owner with a full time job out of the house, a water meter could be a lower … Read the rest >>>>