New Kitchen Designs To Suit Your Style

The kitchen is the heart of your home, and it can be a very personal space. It’s where you meet with friends, cook up a storm and spend quality time with your family. If you’re renovating or building new, it’s important to get things right. A good design should suit the owner and their family. Here are some popular kitchen designs that are currently trending:

Modern Kitchen

  • Modern kitchens are all about sleek lines, white surfaces and minimal clutter. They’re often very light in colour (white, cream or grey) with minimal decoration.
  • Open-plan designs are the norm for modern kitchens because they encourage a sense of space and create an airy feel.
  • The island or peninsula is a key feature of many modern kitchens – it’s an ideal place to sit down together for meals or simply relax with family members after work or school.

Open-plan kitchen

  • Open-plan kitchen.
  • Open-plan
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