The Difference Between Turf and Lawn Sowing

Many people would like to have a beautiful lawn in their garden. You can achieve this in two different ways. First, you can sow grass with grass seed yourself, or you can choose to lay turf. If you know little about this, this choice is difficult to make. Below you can read about the advantages and disadvantages of both sodding and self-sowing. This will help you make the perfect choice for your lawn.

Sowing grass

The first option is to sow the grass. Of course, this has several advantages and disadvantages compared to sodding. The first major advantage of sowing the grass is that it is at least 10 times cheaper than turf. From a cost point of view it is therefore the most effective method. In addition, seeding grass is better suited for small areas, because you do not have to cut half a lawn to size. There are … Read the rest >>>>